Why Use Herbs And Spices In Cooking?

It is true that herbs and spices add nutritive value to food but in very little amount. Using herbs and spices in foods have several benefits. Adding delightful aroma and taste tops that list along with a little nutrition value.

Though the herbs and spices are used since the ancient times, it still holds the same importance. In the modern era, they play an important role in the preparation of food. Herbs and spices bring in an array of flavors to the food, wonderful fragrances, and colors. As the market is expanding globally, it is now easy to get access to exotic spices and herbs.

But the question is, What is the difference between herbs and spices? Herbs are a whole plant that adds flavor to the food, which has softer stems or leaves of their parent plants. It can either be whole, ground, fresh or dried. Whereas spices are substances that add flavor to cuisines that are derived from the dried plants or from their parts, such as bark, seed, or roots that need to be made into spices. It is normally powdered or grounded or maybe in whole seeds.

There are many herbs and spices that blended before using them in the food, whereas many of them used alone to bring the aromatic taste to the food. These herbs and spices sometimes can replace or reduce the amount of sugar or salt in the food.

It is true that herbs and spices add nutritive value to food but in very little amount. The main purpose of herbs and spices is to add flavors, texture, and color to the food. They are generally low in sodium, calories, and fat. Also, spices and herbs have zero cholesterol. Though some oil-rich seeds might have a little amount of cholesterol

Using herbs and spices in foods have several benefits. Adding delightful aroma and taste tops that list. They provide the easiest way to enhance the food by adding different flavors along with a pop of color. Such as adding turmeric to food gives a yellow color, and paprika gives out the tint of orange color.

Also, adding them to food can help in aiding several issues. Like adding basil to food helps in reducing inflammation and also supports the immune system. Adding ground or grated ginger helps reducing inflammation, eases nausea, lowers cholesterol, and lowers blood sugar levels. Peppermint leaves in food are a supporter for better digestion. Coriander helps in increasing good cholesterol levels. It also helps in lower blood sugar levels and promotes in healthy functioning of the liver.

The herbs and spices offer a range of health benefits when used in the right way and right amount. With constant practice and knowledge, one can easily use the spices and herbs in the food. With their ability to potent, it is important to add it to food and make the modern-day cooking flavorsome and aromatic.

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