Green Tea

Lincon Green Tea is a healthy choice for health. The bioactive compounds make it the right choice. Lincon Green Tea is loaded with antioxidants that will help to keep the cells healthy by preventing cell damage. With Lincon Green Tea, keep oneself hydrated and improve body functioning.


Lincon Green Tea gives you the right way to step onto the health benefits with the presence of antioxidants in it. The substances present in Green Tea protect the cell from damage, and the amount of minerals provides benefits to health. Lincon Green Tea is made from the Camellia sinensis plant with different techniques. The high quality of Lincon Green Tea makes it full of benefits for the consumers and helps them to stay fit and healthy.

Nutrient Values

This tea contains minerals, vitamins, calcium, magnesium, and other vitamins which are good for health.


25 pieces in one box


Drinking Lincon Green Tea gives the most benefits when it is drunk on an empty stomach every day.


Lincon Green Tea contains antioxidants that help in the easier burning of body fats with healthy bioactive compounds.

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